lunes, 29 de septiembre de 2008


sgt. - Stylus Fantasticus

sgt. es una banda japonesa, formada en 1999. Nacieron como cuarteto, de los que que permanace el trío formado por Kouji Akashi (bajo), Mikiko Narui (violín) y Hitoshi Ono (batería). Tras debutar en 2005 con el EP 'Perception of causality', vuelven este año con el álbum 'Stylus fantasticus'. Mezcla de géneros en los que entra el post-rock, ambient, jazz, y mucha, mucha improvisación.

viernes, 19 de septiembre de 2008

Wassily Kandinsky - Weilheim-Marienplatz

El cuadro Weilheim-Marienplatz pintado por Kandinsky en 1909 representa la plaza del mismo nombre de la ciudad bávara de Weilheim.

El mes pasado, más de 500 estudiantes de escuelas de arte locales se propusieron reproducir el cuadro... en la misma plaza. 2100 metros cuadrados que cubren las más de 8000 losas que forman el pavimento de esta.

Algunas fotos más aquí.

lunes, 15 de septiembre de 2008

William Burroughs - Shotgun painting

EGO: Are you still doing your "shotgun art?"

BURROUGHS: Oh, all kinds. Brushwork. Shotgun. Paint. Knife.

EGO: What exact process do you use for your visual art?

BURROUGHS: There is no exact process. If you want to do shotgun art, you take a piece of plywood, put a can of spracy paint in front of it, and shoot it with a shotgun or high powered rifle. The paint's under high pressure so it explodes! Throws the can 300 feed. The paint sprays in exploding color across your surface. You can have as many colors as you want. Turn it around, do it sideways, and have one color coming in from this side and this side. Of course, they hit. Mix in all kinds of unpredictable patterns. This is related to Pollack's drip canvases, although this is a rather more basically random process, there's no possibility of predicting what patterns you're going to get.

I've had some I've worked over for months. Get the original after the explosions and work it over with brushes and spray paints and silhouettes until I'm satisfied. So, there isn't any set procedure. Sometimes you get it right there and you don't touch it. The most important thing in painting is to know when to stop, when everything is finished. Doesn't mean anything in writing.

Entrevista de Gregory Ego a William Burroghs, publicada en "Headpress (the journal of sex religion death)" (gracias a Leary & Burroughs)